Late-breaking abstracts

Late-breaking abstracts may be submitted for high quality, new research findings with major impact on clinical practice or the understanding of disease processes. The abstract must not have been previously published in any publication in a peer review setting or presented at a meeting of any other scientific organization prior to ISALXIX March 16-19, 2025.

Only abstracts for which no data of evidential value have been available at the time of the regular abstract submission deadline of Saturday, November 30, 2024, will be considered for late-breaking status.

The late-breaking abstract submission site will open between
Saturday, February 15 and Saturday, February 22, 2025.

The deadline of February 22, 2025, for late-breaking abstract submissions is under no circumstances to be considered as an extension of the abovementioned submission deadline.

Late-breaking submitted abstracts that do not meet the above mentioned criteria will not be accepted for poster discussion or oral presentation.

Late-breaking abstract submission instructions and review process

The abstract must meet the general abstract guidelines, which can be found under GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF ABSTRACTS.

The ISALXIX 2025 Scientific Committee will review all abstracts indicated as late-breaking and first authors (please underline!) will be notified whether the submitted work has been accepted as a late-breaking abstract for the presentation

  • in the ISALXIX Poster Presentation and Discussion Sessions (MS V)
    However, late breaking abstracts cannot be considered for
  • publication in ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY or and/or
  • as oral presentation in the Prize Giving Ceremony and 3 Best of Free Contributions
    Session (MS IX)

The presenters of accepted late-breaking abstracts will receive notification about acceptance and further instructions by Friday, February 28, 2025, at the latest.

Submission of late breaking abstracts between Saturday, February 15 and Saturday, February 22, 2025. to

Late breaking abstract guidelines