The Verein für Leukämieforschung und -Therapie e.V. is a nonprofit organization created in 1992 to organize international symposia in the field of acute leukemias (ISAL).
Their major objective is to bring together a unique community of clinical scientists and researchers with the main research in hematology and oncology by rendering at this work-orientated and integrated solution platform the opportunity to discuss the most recent findings in basic research and results of clinical studies and network with the top international experts in the field of acute leukemias.
The biannual ISAL symposia are organized and funded through the Verein für Leukämieforschung und –Therapie e.V. with the generous support of the organizations listed in the current ISALXVI program and on the official symposium website at:
The Verein für Leukämieforschung und –Therapie e.V. is registered and has its seat:
Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 33
48149 Münster
Official Website:
Mailing Address and Contact Person:
Verein für Leukämieforschung und –Therapie e.V.
Beate Buske-Kosel, M.A.
Responsible for the contents of this website:
Verein für Leukämieforschung und -Therapie e.V.
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 33
48149 Münster
Beate Buske Kosel, M.A.
Mobile: +49 (0) 160 615 1531
Fax: +49 (0) 23 82 / 7 60 14 – 58
Official homepage for electronic registration:
Liability note:
We accept no liability for the content of linked websites. The responsibility for such sites remains solely with their respective owners.
Picture Munich: flickr © Thomas Wanhoff (Ausschnitt)